Bill Worb Furs Inc.

Skunk Fur


Skunk Fur Pelts

Skunk fur pelts are characterized by their distinctive coloration and texture. The fur is typically black with white stripes, giving it a unique and recognizable appearance. The fur itself is soft and can vary in length, with longer fibers on the back and shorter fibers on the belly.

 Available in quality #1 and #2 skunk fur pelts.

Size: L, XL (Quality #1), L, XL (Quality #2), Jumbo (Winter Quality)

Fur pelts can be crafted into stylish garments like coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. They provide warmth and a luxurious look. Fur pelts can serve as decorative accents in interior design, such as rugs, wall hangings, or throws, adding texture and warmth to a space.

 These pelts are ready to be shipped same day as ordered.

Fur is a sustainable, respectful and even luxurious material for clothing, accessories and art in indigenous culture. We believe it's important to preserve fur's place in Indigenous cultures and traditional economies.

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